The Vorkuta Uprising: "Human blood flowed down the ditches"
In July 1953, one of the largest uprisings in the Gulag broke out in Vorkuta "When I ran to the guardhouse, I froze in terror. There was a mo...
In July 1953, one of the largest uprisings in the Gulag broke out in Vorkuta "When I ran to the guardhouse, I froze in terror. There was a mo...
70 years ago, on June 26, 1954, one of the most important uprisings in the Gulag was suppressed. We have mapped its traces.
May 1944. The Second World War is raging in the world and one of the biggest Soviet crimes - the deportation of the Crimean Tatars - is about to ta...
One hundred years ago, the Evenks and Yakuts rose up against Soviet domination and created their own state
The victims of the Gulag, executions, and deportations included more than one million Germans, approximately 700,000 Poles, and more than 20,000 Cz...
Репрессии в Советском союзе проводились далеко не только при Сталине — репрессивная деятельность (в самых разных формах) осуществлялась на протяжен...
Система концентрационных и исправительно-трудовых лагерей в советской России начала формироваться еще в 1919 г. (т.е. еще до фактического возникнов...
Строительство железной дороги началось в 1947 году. Большинство работников (около 100 тысяч человек) были заключенные лагерей ГУЛАГа.