The Vorkuta Uprising: "Human blood flowed down the ditches"
In July 1953, one of the largest uprisings in the Gulag broke out in Vorkuta "When I ran to the guardhouse, I froze in terror. There was a mo...
The Kengir Uprising: 70 years ago, tanks crushed a the Gulag prisoners´ rebellion
70 years ago, on June 26, 1954, one of the most important uprisings in the Gulag was suppressed. We have mapped its traces.
"When we left Crimea, everyone sang and cried." Deportations of Crimean Tatars began 80 years ago
May 1944. The Second World War is raging in the world and one of the biggest Soviet crimes - the deportation of the Crimean Tatars - is about to ta...
The Tungus Uprising: the Siberian Revolt of Hunters and Reindeer Herders
One hundred years ago, the Evenks and Yakuts rose up against Soviet domination and created their own state
Expedition Kazakhstan: In the footsteps of gulags and Soviet repressions
Soviet terror left an indelible mark on today's Kazakhstan. Hundreds of Czechs were also affected by the repression there. We mapped these tracks i...
Mass deportations of Ukrainians: from history to Russia's modern crimes
24 February 2024 marks two years since the beginning of the full-scale war against Ukraine. Russia is committing many crimes against the Ukrainian ...
"They were just throwing the corpses into the snowdrifts". The brutal deportation of Chechens and Ingush began 80 years ago
On February 23, 1944, the deportation of Chechens and other Caucasian nations to Central Asia began. Hundreds of thousands of people became victims...
The Gulag and Soviet repressions: the numbers of victims from among Czechs, Slovaks, Poles, and Germans
The victims of the Gulag, executions, and deportations included more than one million Germans, approximately 700,000 Poles, and more than 20,000 Cz...
Reflections on Soviet repressions in Central Europe
The Gulag and Soviet repressions are part of our common European history.
The biggest mass murder of Czechs in the USSR
This year, the Saint Wenceslas Day marks the 85th anniversary of the execution of 80 innocent Czechs in Zhytomyr.
The Magnificent One – Nikolai Braun and his poems against the invasion of 1968
This is the story of a Russian who faced Soviet tanks alone, being even lonelier than the globally renowned eight brave protesters. And he paid for...
Czechs and the Great Terror
The five-part documentary series Czechs and the Great Terror reveals the unknown fates of Czechs who were executed, deported or imprisoned in the G...
A Journey to the Gulag - documentary movie
Mosquitos, freezing cold, mysterious taiga. Inhospitable places where thousands of prisoners suffered. To document abandoned Gulags in Siberia, you...
The scale of Soviet political terror
The long-standing discussion regarding the scale of terror often relies on intuitive ideas about political terror in the Soviet period rather than ...
3D gallery of objects from the Gulag
Objects of Gulag prisoners' daily life – shoes, hats, serving bowls, spoons, a bread pan, a hand-made colander, and many more – can be viewed now a...
Soviet repression and deportations in the Baltic states
History of Soviet repressions and victims of deportations in Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia - a material for the occasion of June 14 deportation ann...
Czech Commune "Reflektor" in the USSR: History of Betrayal
An article by Russian researcher and journalist Alexei Golicyn from Saratov about the Czech commune Reflector and the Soviet repression against its...
A javító-nevelő munkatáborok, illetve a koncentrációs táborok rendszerének létrehozása Szovjet-Oroszországban már 1919-ben megindult, de valójában ...
A Gulág táborigazgatóságok és a közép-európai események térképe
A Gulag.Online múzeumában a Gulag táborigazgatóságainak térképét is megtekinthetik, amely a Система исправительно-трудовых лагерей в СССР (Szisztye...
Gulag camps in maps and satellite images
View camps along the Dead Road in satellite images and archival military maps. Thanks to the collection of maps that we have amassed to date, you c...
Csehszlovák állampolgárok üldözése a Szovjetunióban
Csehszlovák állampolgárok üldözése a Szovjetunióban
Lengyelek és lengyel állampolgárok a GULAG-on
Lengyelek és lengyel állampolgárok a GULAG-on
Magyarok szovjet fogságban
Magyarok szovjet fogságban – történelmi háttér, emlékezet és kutatás
Virtuális séta a Gulag táborokban
Egyedülálló panorámaképek segítségével sikerült megörökítenünk a megüresedett, elhagyott táborok külső és belső környezetét, valamint a táborok mel...